Sunday, December 23, 2007

Beyond FESTIVE: A Few Photos and A Little Time Off

Yes, I said this last December, too! But this year I have a fairly good idea I just need a break through the holidays and then I’ll be back ready to blog through the New Year. Meanwhile, I’ll post a holidayish photo here and there and of course visit favorite blogs.

Right now, my little dumplings are bouncing off the walls upstairs in anticipation of the big day, so I’m off to tuck them in and warn them one last time that you-know-who’s watching. I wish that would still work with my teenager!

Happy holidays and best wishes for a joyous New Year!


Blogger Marla said...

Very cute! Merry Christmas!

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happies and warms to you and your clan.

12:44 PM  
Blogger debra said...

Wishing you and yours joyous holidays!

4:06 PM  
Blogger Sherry said...

Merry Christmas Karen...may your day be filled with joy, love and laughter and your heart hold all the wishes you dream. Sending thoughts for blessings and good things for the coming year.

12:10 PM  
Blogger Niksmom said...

Karen, Merry Christmas. Enjoy your break...but don't be gone too long or we'll be lonesome without your words of wisdom and insight, passion and zest, and friendship.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Sustenance Scout said...

Marla, Gerry, Debra, Sherry, Niksmom, thanks so much and best wishes to all of you for a festive, relaxing season!! We're enjoying family with more on the way. Also doing a fair share of shoveling, with more of that on the way, too! K.

4:39 PM  
Blogger Shauna Roberts said...

Your kids are adorable! Hope they and you had a wonderful Christmas!

5:31 PM  
Blogger Sustenance Scout said...

Thanks, Shauna! So glad I had a chance to stop by your blog. K.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Ello - Ellen Oh said...

What cuties! Happy new year!

10:17 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

The girls are adorable -- you have to love those school uniforms! I hope you're not too buried in your neighborhood. How about all this snow!

1:31 AM  
Blogger Barrie said...

Merry Christmas! I love Santa pictures!

5:05 PM  
Blogger Sustenance Scout said...

Ello, Lisa, and Barrie, Thanks so much and sorry it's taken so long for me to reply. I've been buried in more than just snow over the past two weeks! But it's been a fun time with lots of family. Now a few more days to get organized before the kids head back to school on Monday. Happy New Year!

10:09 PM  

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