Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Beyond FEROCIOUS: A Roar for Powerful Words

My blogging buddy Lisa Kenney over at Eudaemonia very graciously awarded me the Shameless Lions Writing Circle’s “A Roar for Powerful Words” award.

Since my brain is fairly muddled this week due to pre-holiday preparations, I’m going to use Lisa’s description, to wit:

The award was initiated in November by Seamus Kearney, a writer living in Lyon, France. Here are Seamus’s instructions:

Those people I’ve given this award to are encouraged to post it on their own blogs; list three things they believe are necessary for good, powerful writing; and then pass the award on to the five blogs they want to honour, who in turn pass it on to five others, etc etc. Let’s send a roar through the blogosphere!

Thanks, Lisa!!

John Updike has a nifty line (or two or three) in his introduction to the book pictured above, The Writer’s Desk, a 1996 classic featuring comments on the writing process—and where it often takes place—by the 56 (including Updike) writers photographed by the brilliant Jill Krementz (Kurt Vonnegut’s widow, btw). My husband bought this book for me out of the blue a few months ago; no special occasion, without any hints or prompting. (Yes, he’s good to me!) It stands face-out on my closet bookshelf. The 1972 cover photo of Eudora Welty calms and inspires. I love that.

According to Updike, every writer is charged with transcending the setting in which he or she works in order to enter “a relationship with our ideal reader, who wishes from us nothing but the fruit of our best instincts, most honest inklings, and firmest persuasions.” So I offer this tidy set of three elements to good, powerful writing (whether fictitious or non): best instincts, most honest inklings, and firmest persuasions. With many thanks to Mr. Updike.

Five writer/bloggers I’d like to nominate, not only because they’re phenomenal writers but because I’d really like to hear their “three things”:

Laini Taylor, author of Blackbringer

Therese Fowler, author of Souvenir

Patricia Wood, author of Lottery

Patry Francis (only when you’re feeling up to it, Patry!), author of The Liar’s Diary. (This link shows the risqué new cover for the paperback version of The Liar’s Diary, due out from Plume on January 29!!)

Rather than tag Laila Lalami, author of Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, I’d simply like to list her as an honorary nominee to help spread the word about the insightful, international scope of her truly powerful blog (some others of you may remember Laila’s blog, as I do, as Moorish Girl) and book. While Laila doesn’t do comments on her blog, I’ll try emailing her to ask for her top three writing elements. I’ll let you know what I hear back!


Blogger Lisa said...

The Updike quote is perfect! I love the paperback cover to Patry's book too. It's funny because I keep my copy of her book facing out on my bookshelves as a reminder to send healing energy. Great post and I look forward to checking out these other bloggers.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Therese Fowler said...

Karen, I'm honored, thank you!

What a terrific book--I'm going to get myself a copy for Christmas. :)

6:04 AM  
Blogger Marla said...


6:25 AM  
Blogger Sherry said...

You are so worthy of this award!!

I've left another award for me you at Sage and Thyme as well.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Sustenance Scout said...

Hey ladies! Glad you all enjoyed the post and thanks for all the sweet compliments! Sherry, I'll be right over! :) K.

10:36 AM  
Blogger ORION said...

Hey I linked you! Check it out...

11:10 PM  
Blogger Sustenance Scout said...

Tara, I'm feeling VERY lucky/blessed/fortunate these days! I know you are, too!

Pat, I'll be right over! :) K.

3:56 PM  

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